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Support Us
You can support Hastings Sinfonia by
attending our concerts and bringing your friends and family with you. Not only is it more enjoyable playing to a large audience, the costs involved in putting on a concert are substantial.
You could also become a
Friend of Hastings Sinfonia for £25 per year or £40 as a couple
This money is much needed and will help support the orchestra in these challenging times.
You will be supporting:
The long-term development of the orchestra, by enabling us to book professional soloists, guest musicians and hire different venues for some of our special concerts.
We nurture and showcase highly talented young musicians, giving them an opportunity to perform solos at our concerts, hopefully encouraging them to become the next generation of classical performers.
Music is very important for all our well-being, our rehearsals are full of laughter and are a very important and special part of our lives.
Keeping membership fees affordable and ticket prices as low as possible with free tickets for those under 18.
Your support enables us to perform at community events such as the Mid Summer Fish Festival in Hastings
We can offer you:
Reserved seating at our concerts in St Johns (does not include tickets)
A complimentary drink at our main concerts
An opportunity to come and meet the orchestra at one of our rehearsals
Your name in our concert programmes (optional)
For further information please contact The Co-ordinator
We do NOT pass your information on.
We would like to thank Justin Lycett, Roy Cano and
Peter Mold for their support with our photos
An easy way you can help Sinfonia raise funds is to join easyfundraising.
Over 7000 brands will donate part of what you spend to our orchestra. It actually won't cost you any extra because the cost is covered by the brand - magic! You will need to shop via the easyfundraising app, big name brands such as Amazon, John Lewis, major supermarkets, BT, and the list goes on.